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- ********************************************************
- *
- * Installationsroutine und Interruptroutine
- * fuer MIDInet
- *
- * (C) 1987 by A. Buttchereit
- * and G. Nowinski
- * Moosholzweg 10
- * 3392 Clausthal-Zellerfeld 3
- *
- ********************************************************
- gemdos: EQU $01
- bios: EQU $0d
- xbios: EQU $0e
- start:
- move.l 4(sp),a0
- add.l #$86,a0
- clr.l d0
- move.b #6,d1 ;Zaehler
- l1: asl.l #4,d0
- and.b #$0f,-(a0)
- or.b (a0),d0 ;Wiederherstellen
- subq.b #1,d1
- bne l1
- move.l d0,nummer_adr ;Adresse berechnet
- addq.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,send_adr ;Adresse des Sendreq
- addq.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,recei_adr ;Adresse des receivereq
- addq.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,busy_adr ;Adresse des busy-Flags
- addq.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,auto_ack ;Adresse des auto_ack-Flags
- addq.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,ok_adr ;Adresse des OK-Flags
- addq.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,ack_adr ;Adresse des Ack-Feldes
- add.l #30,d0
- move.l d0,online_adr ;Adresse des Online-Feldes
- add.l #30,d0
- move.l d0,in_adr ;Adresse des Eingabepuffers
- add.l #128,d0
- move.l d0,out_adr ;Adresse des Ausgabepuffers
- move #2,-(sp)
- move #14,-(sp)
- trap #xbios
- addq.l #4,sp
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l (a0),mpuf_adr ;Adresse des MIDI-puffers
- addq.l #6,d0
- move.l d0,hd_adr ;Adresse des Headindexes
- addq.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,tl_adr ;Adresse des Tailindexes
- move.l #continue,d0
- move.l d0,adresse ;VBI 'richtig' starten
- move.l 4(sp),a6 ;Länge des Prgs berechnen
- move.l #$100,d6
- add.l 12(a6),d6
- add.l 20(a6),d6
- add.l 28(a6),d6
- jsr super_ein
- move.w $454,d0 ;freien VBI-Vektor suchen
- lsl #2,d0
- move.l $456,a0
- clr.l d1
- vbltest:
- tst.l 0(a0,d1.l)
- beq vblfound
- addq.l #4,d1
- cmp d0,d1
- bne vbltest
- *---------------------------------------------*
- * Installation hat nicht geklappt *
- *---------------------------------------------*
- jsr super_aus
- move.l (sp)+,d0
- move #0,-(sp)
- trap #gemdos
- *---------------------------------------------*
- * Freie Adresse gefunden *
- *---------------------------------------------*
- vblfound:
- lea 0(a0,d1.l),a2 ;dieses Prg eintragen
- move.l #meinprog,(a2)
- jsr super_aus
- *---------------------------------------------*
- * Programm resident im Speicher hinterlassen *
- *---------------------------------------------*
- clr.l -(sp)
- move.l d6,-(sp)
- move #$31,-(sp)
- trap #gemdos
- *---------------------------------------------*
- * Supervisor-Modus einschalten *
- *---------------------------------------------*
- super_ein:
- clr.l -(sp)
- move #32,-(sp)
- trap #gemdos
- addq.l #6,sp
- move.l d0,oldstack
- rts
- *---------------------------------------------*
- * Supervisor-Modus ausschalten *
- *---------------------------------------------*
- super_aus:
- move.l oldstack,-(sp)
- move #32,-(sp)
- trap #gemdos
- addq.l #6,sp
- rts
- *************************************************************************
- oldstack: DS.l 1
- nummer_adr: DS.l 1
- send_adr: DS.l 1
- recei_adr: DS.l 1
- busy_adr: DS.l 1
- auto_ack: DS.l 1
- ok_adr: DS.l 1
- ack_adr: DS.l 1
- online_adr: DS.l 1
- in_adr: DS.l 1
- out_adr: DS.l 1
- mpuf_adr: DS.l 1
- hd_adr: DS.l 1
- tl_adr: DS.l 1
- adresse: DS.l 1
- kennung: DS.w 1
- laenge: DS.w 1
- zaehler: DS.w 1
- adressat: DS.w 1
- absender: DS.w 1
- checksum: DS.w 1
- *************************************************************************
- *********************** Mein Programm ***************************
- *************************************************************************
- meinprog:
- movem.l a0-a2/d0-d2,-(sp)
- move.l adresse,a0
- jmp (a0)
- continue:
- bsr MIDI_in
- bne cont1
- move.l #continue,adresse
- bra B_exit
- cont1:
- cmp #0,d1
- bne kein_freiz ;* zur Blockbehandlung *
- freizeichen:
- move.l busy_adr,a0 ;* Aktion auf Bus merken! *
- move #1,(a0)
- move.l send_adr,a0
- cmp #0,(a0) ;****************************
- beq kein_sendreq ;*Wenn send_req, dann senden*
- bra senden ;****************************
- kein_sendreq:
- bsr sende_frei
- bra N_exit ;* Sonst Frei weitergeben! *
- kein_freiz:
- move d1,kennung
- and #$f,d1
- move d1,adressat
- move kennung,d1
- lsr #4,d1
- and #$f,d1
- move d1,absender
- wie_lang:
- bsr MIDI_in
- bne cont2
- move.l #wie_lang,adresse
- bra B_exit
- cont2:
- move d1,laenge
- move.l busy_adr,a0 ;* Aktion auf Bus merken! *
- move #1,(a0)
- move.l nummer_adr,a0
- move adressat,d0 ;****************************
- cmp (a0),d0 ;*Sind die Daten fuer mich? *
- bne not_for_me ;****************************
- for_me:
- move laenge,d1
- cmp #0,d1 ;* Länge=0 ? *
- bne kein_ack
- acknol:
- move absender,d0
- subq #1,d0
- lsl #1,d0 ;*****************************
- move.l ack_adr,a0 ;* Acknol. merken! *
- move #1,0(a0,d0.w) ;*****************************
- move.l busy_adr,a0
- move #0,(a0) ;* Busy noch zurueckhalten *
- wait_ok:
- bsr MIDI_in
- bne setze_ok_flag
- move.l #wait_ok,adresse
- bra B_exit
- setze_ok_flag:
- move.l ok_adr,a0
- move d1,(a0)
- move.l busy_adr,a0
- move #1,(a0) ;* aber jetzt busy *
- bra N_exit ;Block fertig
- kein_ack:
- move.l recei_adr,a0
- cmp #0,(a0)
- beq uebernehmen
- kein_platz:
- bra WOM
- not_for_me:
- move absender,d0 ;*****************************
- move.l nummer_adr,a0 ;* Bin ich der Absender? *
- cmp (a0),d0 ;*****************************
- bne MIDI_durch
- from_me:
- bra WOM1
- ************************************************************************
- ****************** KEIN ... PLATZ ... WOM ********************
- WOM:
- clr zaehler
- move laenge,d0
- addq #1,d0 ;* Laenge+1 fuer Checksum *
- move d0,laenge
- Block_WOM:
- bsr MIDI_in
- bne cont3
- move.l #Block_WOM,adresse
- bra B_exit
- cont3:
- move zaehler,d0
- addq #1,d0
- move d0,zaehler
- cmp laenge,d0
- bne Block_WOM
- bsr sende_frei ;* Freiz. ohne Acknol. *
- bra N_exit
- ************************************************************************
- ****************** NOT ... ONLINE ... WOM ********************
- WOM1:
- move adressat,d0
- subq #1,d0 ;***************************
- lsl #1,d0 ;* *
- move.l online_adr,a0 ;* Muell vergessen & *
- move #0,0(a0,d0.w) ;* Adressat streichen! *
- clr zaehler
- move laenge,d0
- addq #1,d0 ;* Laenge+1 fuer Checksum *
- move d0,laenge
- Block_WOM1:
- bsr MIDI_in
- bne cont4
- move.l #Block_WOM1,adresse
- bra B_exit
- cont4:
- move zaehler,d0
- addq #1,d0
- move d0,zaehler
- cmp laenge,d0
- bne Block_WOM1
- bsr sende_frei
- bra N_exit
- ***********************************************************************
- ********* Ein Zeichen von der MIDIschnittstelle lesen **********
- MIDI_in:
- move.l hd_adr,a1 ;****************************
- move (a1)+,d0 ;head * Ist ein Zeichen *
- cmp (a1),d0 ;tail * im Puffer ? *
- bne Zeichen ;****************************
- rts
- Zeichen:
- addq #1,d0
- and #$7f,d0
- move.l mpuf_adr,a0
- move.b 0(a0,d0.w),d1 ;Zeichen nach D1!
- and #$ff,d1
- move d0,-(a1) ;head setzen
- move #1,d0
- cmp #0,d0
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- sende_frei:
- move #0,d1
- jsr MIDI_out
- rts
- *************************************************************************
- MIDI_out: lea $FFFC04,A1 ;Adresse des MIDI-Chips
- midiloop: move.b 0(a1),d2
- btst #1,d2
- beq midiloop
- move.b d1,2(a1)
- rts
- *************************************************************************
- *************************************************************************
- ********* Senderoutine schreibt einen Block ins Netz ************
- senden:
- move #0,checksum
- move.l out_adr,a0
- move.b (a0),d1 ;Adresse
- jsr MIDI_out
- move.b 1(a0),d1 ;Länge
- and #$ff,d1
- move d1,laenge
- jsr MIDI_out
- clr d0
- loop:
- cmp laenge,d0
- beq raus
- move.b 2(a0,d0.w),d1 ;Daten
- move checksum,d2
- eor d1,d2
- move d2,checksum
- jsr MIDI_out
- addq #1,d0
- bra loop
- raus:
- move checksum,d1
- jsr MIDI_out
- move.l send_adr,a0
- clr (a0)
- bra N_exit ;Block geschrieben
- *************************************************************************
- *************************************************************************
- ********* Routine uebernimmt einen Block in den Eingabepuffer *********
- uebernehmen:
- move #0,checksum
- move.l nummer_adr,a0
- move absender,d0
- cmp (a0),d0 ;Nachr. von mir an mich ?
- bne normal
- move.l busy_adr,a0
- move #0,(a0) ;Dann noch kein busy !
- normal:
- move.l in_adr,a0
- move kennung,d1
- move.b d1,(a0) ;erstes Byte
- move laenge,d1
- move.b d1,1(a0) ;Länge
- clr zaehler
- block_ein:
- bsr MIDI_in
- bne cont5
- move.l #block_ein,adresse
- bra B_exit
- cont5:
- move checksum,d2
- eor d1,d2
- move d2,checksum
- move.l in_adr,a0
- move zaehler,d0
- move.b d1,2(a0,d0.w)
- addq #1,d0
- move d0,zaehler
- cmp laenge,d0
- bne block_ein
- warte_test:
- bsr MIDI_in
- bne testen
- move.l #warte_test,adresse
- bra B_exit
- testen:
- move checksum,d2
- cmp d2,d1
- beq no_io_error
- io_error:
- move adressat,d1
- lsl #4,d1
- add absender,d1 ;* sende Acknol. an Absender *
- jsr MIDI_out
- move #0,d1
- jsr MIDI_out
- move #0,d1
- jsr MIDI_out
- bsr sende_frei
- bra N_exit
- no_io_error:
- move.l auto_ack,a0
- move (a0),d0
- cmp #0,d0 ;* kein Auto-Acknol. ? *
- beq no_auto_ack
- move adressat,d1
- lsl #4,d1
- add absender,d1 ;* sende Acknol. an Absender *
- jsr MIDI_out
- move #0,d1
- jsr MIDI_out
- move #1,d1
- jsr MIDI_out
- bsr sende_frei
- no_auto_ack:
- move.l recei_adr,a0
- move #1,(a0)
- bra N_exit
- *************************************************************************
- *************************************************************************
- *********** Weiterschicken eines Blockes ueber das Netz ************
- MIDI_durch:
- move kennung,d1
- jsr MIDI_out
- move laenge,d1
- jsr MIDI_out
- addq #1,d1
- move d1,laenge ;* Laenge+1 fuer checksum *
- clr zaehler
- block_durch:
- move zaehler,d0
- cmp laenge,d0
- beq N_exit
- bsr MIDI_in
- bne cont6
- move.l #block_durch,adresse
- bra B_exit
- cont6:
- jsr MIDI_out
- move zaehler,d0
- addq #1,d0
- move d0,zaehler
- bra block_durch
- *************************************************************************
- N_exit: move.l #continue,adresse
- B_exit:
- movem.l (sp)+,a0-a2/d0-d2
- rts
- *************************************************************************